martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Los Palacios Nazaries (aka Alhambra part III)

Final entry regarding the Alhambra (though I am sure it will show up in some of my other pictures). Once again, we got a guide to open closed doors, leading us through extremely narrow corridors, staircases, and doorways that were much too small for my 5'9 3/4". 

Some people pictures (because I've been neglecting that part of my photography. Granted, I didn't take these pictures... Save for the first one. Thank goodness for long arms and their facilitation of self-photography.):

And some non-people pictures:

Just in case you were wondering, if I ever suddenly acquire a desire for power and conquer the world, I'm going to live in the Alhambra. Next up: my family's visit... which will be rather redundant for those of you who already experienced it first-hand. 

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