viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

A Couple of Days in Paris

We stayed in an apartment in Paris, which ended up being a pretty sweet deal... discounting perhaps that one incident when we got locked out and the other when the power went out and we spent the night in the dark. Apart from that, however, it was lovely. Much better than the hostels. Paris itself was lovely as well, of course, though my memories are once again rather jumbled. 

We may have first gone to Notre Dame.

After visiting Paris and Barcelona, I have decided that I would like to construct a house solely out of stained glass. Particularly after visiting the Sainte Chapelle, pictured below.

I have absolutely no recollection of the order in which the rest of the trip progressed, but through many strolls about Paris, we came across the following:
-Locks of love (or is that the name of the organization that takes donations of hair for wigs? Whatever they are called, I saw this phenomena on many a bridge in Paris. Apparently, it's all the rage...)

-The Arc de Triomphe (possibly not spelled like that). The arc is surrounded by busy streets on all sides, and it took us a surprising amount of effort and time to figure out how to get under it, in spite of signs in English telling us how. We took one tunnel and merely ended up on a different corner of the intersection, confused and no nearer to reaching our goal. Eventually, however, we figured it out.

-Toy sailboats that you can rent to sail in the fountains in the parks. We spend a good long time watching these particular boats drift from side to side, crash into each other, and nearly get stuck in the center. They were surprisingly resilient and very amusing to watch.
-Many interesting statues within those parks... Including this one, which has not ceased to intrigue me. 
-The Eiffel Tower (of course)

We also visited the Louvre, easily the most overwhelming museum I've been to. We went on a mad race to see as much as humanly possible in the time that we had. Always a challenge. I could spend several months in there without getting bored.

Also on the agenda was a visit to a cemetery, though I'm not sure which one. It was very beautiful, in a grim sort of way.

Next (in this blog, not chronologically), there was Versailles. Speaking of sensory overload...

My favorite part was Marie Antoinette's fake village, which was adorable. If it weren't for the fact that it was fake, I would probably move there.
And, of course, there were purple trees.

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